Chabad will be offering Seders To-Go Kits (no meal) for students.
Chabad will also offer sumptious Kosher for Passover meals when the university Kosher dining station is closed.
Please sign up for all meals asap.
Please note: All college students in University housing will have access to Kosher for Passover meals at the Baker and Woodlawn Dining Commons.
April 15th, 2022 7:00 PM to April 23rd, 2022 12:00 AM
Meal Sign Up
Non Seder Meals - Students Only | |
Tue, April 11th Dinner | |
Wed April 12th Lunch | |
Wed, April 12th Dinner | |
Thu. April 13th Lunch | |
Optional Donation | |
Grape Juice Giver | $18.00 |
Matzah Maker | $36.00 |
Brisket Chef | $100.00 |
I'll sponsor 5 Students | $180.00 |
I'm almost broke | $10.00 |